Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Delhi 2014-2015 comes to a close for its intensive training period with batch of 12 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Delhi 2015-2016 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 9 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Bengaluru 2014-2015 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 18 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Bengaluru 2015-2016 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 18 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Delhi 2016-17 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 15 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Bengaluru 2016-2017 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 18 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Delhi 2017-2018 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 15 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Bengaluru 2017-2018 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 18 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Delhi 2018-2019 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 15 students.
Certificate course in Creative Movement Therapy, Bengaluru 2018-2019 culminates its intensive training period with batch of 18 students.